Large Korean Proxy IP Pool
Harness the power of nearly 1 million South Korean proxies. Avoid unnecessary hiccups during web
scraping operations with an average success rate of 99.95% in Korea. Our regional and city-level
targeting opportunities cover everything from Paris to Marseille and beyond.
Ethical Sourcing Proxy
LunaProxy's Residential Proxy Ethically Sourcing Legal Sources
Reliable infrastructure
Our residential proxies provide fast public data collection and maintain
high uptime
Dedicated Korean Proxy Server
LunaProxy's data center proxy allows unlimited concurrent sessions. As a result, you can set up
multiple brand protection, cybersecurity and market research processes simultaneously. South Korea
proxy servers are suitable and cost-effective for the most ambitious web scraping tasks. LunaProxy's
public data collection solutions provide your business with unlimited bandwidth and enhanced privacy
and anonymity.
High uptime (up to 99.9%)
Precise positioning aiming
Fast Korean Proxy
Boost your public data extraction at any scale with the best performing Korean proxy. LunaProxy
offers one of the fastest Korean proxy networks in the world. The health of our proxy servers is
carefully monitored 24/7 to maintain top-notch network persistence and high uptime. Broken proxies
are automatically replaced at no additional charge to prevent outages.
Carefully monitor the proxy pool